The purchase module makes is possible to easily purchase items, and show overviews of the open/processed orders. The purchase module will gather all the part order requests from the maintenance and inventory module. Parts can also be added to the open purchase request. Purchase requests can be send to the office for review, or directly as purchase request or purchase order to the supplier. Different views give a clear overview of your entire purchasing process.

Overview of all order lines
The main overview displays all order lines and their current status
Custom purchase flow
Enable/disable your preferred purchase statuses such as requisition (approval), requisition (approved), etc.
Send out request for quotations
Suppliers can fill in their prices with the online price input application. Prices will automatically change when
they are filled in.
Purchase orders
Controlled purchase requests can be send in a professional format to suppliers
Office and location approval
Office users can approve/disapprove requests made from a certain location and add remarks
Exporting orders
You can export all your orders to Excel or PDF with the standard Marad export function